Understanding of Particle Physics

This book is available only in Korean for now. We are preparing for a English version.  A Korean version is available at:



     What is physics to us? They say there are rules or laws. We live in the face of numerous laws in our daily life. Most of these are human laws. These are the laws of jurisprudence, the Court, the bar exam, etc. Human laws such as the Constitution, the Commercial Act, and the Criminal Act have specific provisions regulating human behavior. Violation of these provisions will result in penalties. Humans have no choice but to obey the laws made by humans. The laws dealt with in this book are not made by human. Strictly speaking, they are also made by human, though... They are the laws of nature represented by physics. Newton first discovered the law of gravity and published it in a book called "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica." The book deals with the laws of nature about gravity and motion.   

     You may break human laws. Only if you pay a price for it. But you cannot break the laws of nature. You cannot violate them with any intention. Because we are a part of nature and made to obey the laws of nature. Still, the laws of nature as we know them were made by humans in a strict sense. They are simply expressions of the laws of nature that rule the entire universe in human language. Han Kang's novel, 『The Vegetarian』, won the 2016 Man Booker Prize. British translator Deborah Smith, who translated the novel into English, also received the award. The news reminded us that the translation is important as the original novel. 

     Scientists are translators who translate the laws of nature into human languages. There is no penalty for mistranslation, because It does not violate human laws. It is also because the laws of nature do not provide for punishment. Only the wrongly translated human laws of nature are attacked and eliminated as time goes by. And after that, new human laws of nature take place. Newtonian mechanics, called classical mechanics, is a good translation of the laws of nature. 

     Newtonian mechanics well translated the voice of nature till the early 20th century. However, as humans analyzed the language of nature more sophisticatedly, Newtonian mechanics began to go against the laws of nature little by little. Newton's law of gravity well explained cosmic phenomena around us, and Newton's law of motion well described the motion of ordinary objects. However, the universe was not so simple, and the movement of objects in microscopic world was different. Einstein's theory of relativity translated the language of the universe well, and quantum mechanics captured the movement of the microscopic world well. 

     The laws of nature dealt with in current physics are translated into two different languages. They are General relativity and quantum mechanics (quantum field theory). These two are the greatest physics theories of the 20th century. They well translate the voice of nature into human laws of nature. Sometimes they make the same sound, but sometimes they make completely different sounds. Despite great efforts to combine the two, they do not mix like water and oil. Substantially, one, or both, of the two theories are seriously erroneous in translation. This is not a simple error, such as translating ‘had a good appetite(식욕이 좋았고)’ to ‘proved herself a more than competent cook(유능한 요리사보다 요리를 잘하는)’ when translating Han Kang’s 『The Vegetarian』. Combining them doesn't seem to solve the problem, if one or both theories have serious problems. The most obvious problem seems to be gravity. This mysterious fundamental force of nature called gravity is very foreign, not integrated into quantum field theory. The graviton that quantum field theory longs for, which must be accompanied by gravity, shows no sign of appearing. Shouldn't either one be disqualified as a translator? In 『Origin of Gravity & New Cosmos』, we translated gravity as a phenomenon that occurs due to the distortion of the vacuum solid medium, not a fundamental force of nature. According to this translation, mass and energy are created due to the vibration of the (virtual) lattice in the solid vacuum (lattice vibration itself is mass and energy). This vibration is a matter wave and propagates in the solid vacuum while distorting the structure of the vacuum. Due to this distortion, the object is in inertial motion, and gravity is a phenomenon that occurs because the object accelerates in the direction in which the distortion of the vacuum formed by the inertial motion becomes more severe. All phenomena in nature can be consistently translated as the results of the lattice vibrations of the solid vacuum. It could be the only translator desperately looking for in modern physics. 

     Elementary particles dealt with in particle physics or high-energy physics are not grains. They are a kind of lattice vibration of the solid vacuum, formed in a special environment (very high energy state). They are just vibrations with a very short lifespan. Concentrated lattice vibration appears and disappears momentarily. It can be inferred that the lattice deformation that enables such vibrations is very extraordinary. This book is the third book of the author dealing with modern physics problems, following the previous works, 『Origin of Gravity & New Cosmos』 (2019) and 『New Quantum Physics and Superconductivity』 (2020). This book is intended to consistently interpret and translate the behavior of high-energy particles dealt with in particle physics from the point of view of the vibration of the solid vacuum having a regular lattice structure. Much of the content on particles in particle physics introduced in this book is taken from the English version of Wikipedia. The contents of this English version were summarized, and ambiguous parts were supplemented and interpreted by referring to the references included in the English version. Particles dealt with in particle physics were introduced and organized in the book under the belief that the vacuum lattice has a regular arrangement and that the particles appear in this regular arrangement. But no solid theory to systematically explain this has been presented. If the structure of the vacuum is characterized more clearly, a solid theory will be born. It may be called the Theory of Everything.   

On a green summer day of June 2022